In this issue of Redlion Gazette, we take you through the deep crypto woods where you will find many familiar degens trying to make their way across the territory of the horrifying bear.
The past week was really not that eventful compared to the drama we have all been audience to over the months. Yes, there was the Elon vs Bill Gates scene but if we really dig into it, there may be many people trying to bully Elon out of the market. Also, we had featured Elon only a few weeks ago and he still hasn’t quite acknowledged our brilliant depiction of his primary interests.
To start with Red suggested that we go with a glorious bear to reflect the trends of the current market that doesn’t seem like it has any interest in recovering and sending us all on vacation to the moon, at least not any time soon. Dudly immediately had a profound vision; a scary bear, two kids, dark woods, and a horror vibe. It is quite clear that these are his nightmares and many of ours too. Once the rough sketch was ready, he brought out Czech guns– Tomski Polanski, a brilliant illustrator, who has a distinct style involving sharp shapes and gradients. I studied many of his works and other illustrators’ works that are of similar styles, to finally summon the style into me.
Once it was confirmed that I was possessed with this style, we decided on the palette. And once that was ready we set out to create the artwork. Given my short history with using colors I can say that it was the hardest part, but thanks to Dudly I have improved by so many folds in the past few months and will continue to work on it.
The animation of the artwork here is the most exciting part of the cover. We used a parallax zoom effect which requires you to separate layers i.e foreground, middle, and background so that you can zoom in as you do in a movie scene.

Dudly perfectly executed this along with bringing the bear to life and the forest to breathe terrifying horror. Absolutely cool animation that looks like a scene from an animated movie!
If you see yourself in those shivering kids, do not be afraid, we are all right behind, and with determination and patience we will take over the bear this time too (fingers crossed). See y’all next week frens!