This week’s cover is the longest cover we have had for Redlion Gazette. A rare gazette dedicated to all the blood lost during the crash of Luna. Our prayers go out to you frens.
We scavenged the Luna crash’s debris for solid ideas to build the cover around. They say,” a wise man doesn’t look at his foot on the ground but at his next step”. Clearly, Do Kwon saw neither of these and had presented us all Web 3 believers with a fatal reward.
The first decision that came to the table was to feature Wojak in this week’s cover. Red suggested that we make on in the Wojak style because it will be the most relatable given the current situation of the market and how the stars are aligned in the galaxy for the dip. We put our brains to work to come up with a few ideas that involved Wojak- whose grit is unmatched in the meme universe- in various horrifying situations. In the midst of brainstorming, Red brought to us the Low Budget Stories videos on YT starring Wojak. They were all hilarious, well-scripted, and had all the jazz of a comic short. Red suggested that that is what we should do– a Wojak short film to accurately gauge the emotions of LUNA hodlers.
We decided that the Luna horror story will be the main plot of the film. During the brief for the cover, Red listed out some plot points for the script. No jump-scares, just cold chills that will leave you with crypto nightmares for the rest of your life. After we had agreed on that we set out to make the storyboard. The scenes had all the natural elements of a Wojak short film. Once the sequences were laid out, we created the frames featuring Wojak on the computer watching Luna pump, dreaming of Lambhorginis and pool parties, followed by the dip and crash of everything he dreamt of achieving. If you closely observe, you will see a glimpse of yourself in Wojak– flush with knowledge but never invincible to the forces of nature.

The scenes came to life once the sounds were injected in: copium voices and Wojak’s inner conversations were absolutely an essential part of the film experience. The scream that you hear was sourced from a heavy lifting episode of champion Kyriakos. We encourage you to watch that video too, to drive some energy into you for the rest of the week.
Although it was a tragic movie, the ending featuring Jose uplifts it. Jose who in Gazette 71 was a burger flipper at a McDonald outlet, now has risen up the ranks to an Assistant Manager. Clearly, things are never as dull as you think they are.
For now, we are all in the crypto bunker, but things will change and this dip will too go away. What is vital is to remain positive and healthy. Hoping for better weeks ahead and fewer crashes & burns! See y’all next week frens!